Coronavirus Information

We are trying to maintain services as much and as safely as we possibly can. Unfortunately, we have had to make changes to offer as much protection as possible for our staff and our patients.

Please put your request for an appointment with GP or nurse / prescription request / etc. in through ‘AskmyGP’.

We are continuing to see patients but all consultations are initially being dealt with via a telephone triage appointment.

Dependent on the outcome of the telephone call you may be signposted to an alternative service, take part in a video consultation or asked to attend the practice for a face to face appointment.

If you are asked to attend a face to face appointment in the surgery, please do not arrive early, and ring the surgery door bell once. Please ensure you are wearing a face covering correctly, your temperature will be checked at the door, you will be given hand sanitiser, and the clinician you are seeing will escort you to the consultation room. Please try to avoid touching anything.

Nurses appointments are currently available for:

  • Childhood Immunisations
  • INR checks
  • Specialist Injections
  • Shingles vaccinations
  • Pneumococcal vaccinations
  • Chronic disease monitoring – maybe by telephone appointment

We are constantly reviewing the services we are providing to ensure patient and staff safety and are striving to open up more services as it is safe to do so.

Thanks you for your cooperation.